Monday, November 1, 2010

Passion and Happy Halloween

It's late.  I can't help myself.  I have thousands of pictures yet again and I HAVE to see them.  I am passionate about it.  Hey, we all need passion about something.  I've said that my family is my passion, but so is capturing them in moments like this Halloween.  I love it.  Actually, I'm addicted.  It's a great addiction to have if you would like to choose one.  Brings so much joy...but I will warn you that sleep deprivation may come with it.  Photography can change your life people.  Once you catch the fever, you will spend most days thinking of and chasing after the most perfect picture.  Suddenly, every cloud formation and sunrise and sunset and full moon are so much more beautiful than you ever thought before.  It's amazing.  I prefer the pictures that really capture this beauty.  I am my own worst critic.  I have a lot to learn.  But, I'm having so much fun.

While my sweet family sleeps, I still see signs of Halloween all around me...Karate Kid's bandana and Black Cat's ears.  Their costumes were perfect for them...for their personalities.  They made good choices.  I'm guessing I will see a lot more of them and I am so glad.

Funny thing is that the picture doesn't have to be perfect.  When I find that goofy or angelic smile that takes me right back to that moment...that's just the best.  I have to stop though.  I haven't even touched them all yet.  Haven't even gone through the actual Trick or Treating ones or even all the Karate moves.  I can't wait.  I'm so excited to hopefully find more treasures hiding somewhere on my hard drive.  Until then, Happy Halloween.   

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