I listened to this all day and thought of him. I tapped my feet at my desk and thought of him. I thought of how young we were when we first met. All the road trips. Thought of the windows down and the wind in my hair. Thought about our mini vacations to the beach just the two of us. And we felt like this. Just like this. And I smiled a lot. And tonight I looked back at pictures of him with the kids.

Going back. We were kids. And he picked me up after football games and took me to Dairy Queen every Friday night. Couldn’t wait to jump in that black Toyota fresh off the field into his arms. I snuggled just as close as I possibly could. Windows down. I would be starving! Couldn’t beat a good DQ Cheeseburger after a football game. He probably had a Mr. Misty. Oh, I miss that. I miss how he scooped me up like a princess and made me feel so incredible.

And later, driving I-16 to Savannah or Brunswick with the Windows down and Aerosmith blasting. On my way to see my man. No worries. How every single time I saw him after a long week was like the first time.

And then, his trips to see me in Atlanta. Still getting butterflies anticipating his visit. How he took me to Six Flags and then later that night asked me to marry him in my tiny apartment bedroom. I had no make-up on. And how he told me he didn’t care about that. And how my heart completely melted when he said that and how much I realized how perfect it was. And how I had no doubts that I would spend the rest of my life with him and be so happy.
And how he looked into my eyes on our wedding day like no one else was in the church. Like it was just us. How neither of us cared too terribly much about the wedding details. We just wanted to be married. We wanted to move on to the next chapter.

And how he just came home from an overnight work trip and when he walked in the door I still got butterflies. How I look at him with the same feelings I had back then. And how adding the kids’ excitement to that escalates those feelings even more.
I can’t wait for all the living and loving to come. I see us in our 50’s driving the California coast…with the windows down…that’s our kind of love. Another trip to Hawaii in our future…with the kids…riding down that volcano again on bikes all together just like that family we saw. Remember that family? Remember I told you that one day I wanted two kids and I wanted to go back there when they were old enough to do it all again? I can’t wait. Mt. Haleakala. He’s waiting for us. And it won’t be long.

Happy Anniversary Love. 13 Wonderful Years. I love you.
Happy Anniversary! :)