I know this one thing. I know that there is no other place on this Earth that he would rather be than right here. I know because he shows us and tells us. As he is to us, we are to him. And this is what makes it easier. So we will go on and we will celebrate. And we will hope to see him before the weekend is done. And we will send him tons of pictures and tell him how much we are missing him.
I will continue to plan a little something. I will continue to let him know that we are thinking of him every minute, every second of the day...in everything we do. I will continue to be proud of him. Because it is people like him that make my world so wonderful.
I bought this bubble machine tonight on a quick errand to Target. Needed wipes. This was just sitting there for me at the register. You know...one of those items they put there just for suckers like me to grab at the last second. Even had a large bottle of bubbles right there for me too. Well then, why the hell not?
And I brought it home. And we had Christmas and what seemed like snow in July. And it was fabulous.
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