Monday, February 11, 2013

The Bright Side

I forgot to send my daughter's clean cot sheet and blanket to Pre-K this morning.  When I remembered, it was much too late.

I was rear ended by a young fellow on the interstate while driving in to work today.  I was meaning on getting rid of that commute before this happened again (in my dreams), but it was much too late. 

My battery died while waiting for the State Patrol.  I had been needing to get that battery checked out before it died again, but it was much too late.

When I finally got to work, I realized I left my left over spaghetti and meat sauce in the car, but my boss called me to the office, and I couldn't retrieve it.  It was much too late.


The school had an extra sheet and blanket.

The guy that hit me was just the kindest fellow, and I probably just need a new bumper.

The State Trooper did an exciting maneuver to sling his car around and jump my vehicle off and send me on my way.

My spaghetti was fine!  My friend, Heather, gave me a scientific reason to explain just so.

And most boss said everything is OK.


Hey....remember this?

She turned 5 on Friday.


I miss this...

He is losing that baby face.


I guess this is the answer to a bad day, remembering all the good I have.  It's never too late for that.

1 comment:

  1. Something good is going to come out of all this! He is losing his baby face but you get to see the power at his almighty swing. You get to cheer him on from the sidelines! You get to see him grow up. That is exciting too isn't it? Love ya!
