Jonah's coach so generously offered a week off from tournaments and practices (if we wanted it) this week. This announcement was a highlight of the meet and greet meeting (for me). I remember saying the off week dates over and over in my mind and trying to figure out if we could squeeze in any type of vacation this summer. Where are my priorities??
Oh well, mission accomplished. We're leaving for the week soon, but before we go...just a couple of my favorite shots from the last tournament.
He's warming up with my love in the outfield here before the game. I ran out to capture him before the crowd grew. I'm still a little nervous with this whole All-Star gig. I'm not jumping on the field to capture every play. It's just still all too new to me.
She keeps me busy watching her run around and pick these "flowers" in the grass. She proudly wears Jonah's number. She truly loves going to baseball and playing with her friends. I love watching her as much as her brother.
But this week to come...we're taking a much needed break. I'm looking for inspiration. I hope to relax, spend some quality time with the three I love and try to figure out how to keep the week from going by so fast.
Can't wait to share it with you. Thanks for stopping always.
He looks so professional! Have fun on your trip!