Funny how the most simple days can turn into something so unexpectedly wonderful. Saturday, we thought we would support the locals and check out the Farmer's Market in our small town. I would just love to get a bunch of fresh peas, a big silver bowl and shell them while watching the kids play in the backyard. Yes, you can take the girl out of the country, but not the country out of the girl.

Not going to happen today. No peas. Just some local honey, banana bread, few squash and cucumbers. But....there was live music and the weather was great.

Jesse seemed to be having a great time.

Guess she's got some country in her too.

Jonah was a little more difficult. Oh, but there's a playground. We ventured on over to this lovely play area nestled under shady trees with a beautiful view of our little town.

We wrapped up here and decided to travel to another Farmer's Market. I really want some peas! And we need other ingredients for Daddy's birthday dinner tomorrow.

Oh, Harry's Farmer's Market. Yeah baby! This is the good stuff. The kids grabbed a watermelon as soon as we walked in the door.

All grocery stores should have these little buggies. Jesse knocked a few people out, but how much fun is this! Completely unexpected good time. Seems like we were in there for hours.

I never found my peas. Maybe it's too early? What do I know? I grew up in a small town, but not on a farm. It's really amazing how much fun we had doing very simple things though. I had forgotten this. But, that's sort of what this is all about for me. Taking pictures, writing. It's just a way to make me slow down and enjoy the simple, wonderful things just like this. It's all so good that way. Doesn't mean there wasn't another tropical storm that night. There's always something. We were all so worn out. But it was so worth it! So go for it! Go have yourself a Heavenly Day.
Heather - Thank you so much for thinking about me and letting me know about and be a part of your blog. Seeing and reading this was really a treat. Goodness how your children have grown and what a beautiful family you guys make together. I know that God has blessed you, just as he has blessed us. It makes me sad that I don't know Jonah and Jesse and that they are growing up so fast. Perhaps one day we'll manage to get together. Blessings, Marty