I wish I had some sort of recording device to record everything that was going through my head tonight. Seriously. My mind was all over the place. So many things I want to say and I feel like I am going to burst if I don't get some of it out! What's up with me! I'm an engineer, not a writer! I did Cori's math homework...she did my English. Something is not right in my universe. But I'm sure enjoying it.

My little angels are asleep.

My love is out of town.
And what am I doing tonight?? Baking.

I'm baking for Mr. Clark (Jonah's bus driver)...or so I thought. Actually, it turns out it is a lot for me. Mama's Tea Cakes. I can remember just like yesterday sitting at our kitchen bar and watching her go through batches of these things. The frustration when a batch came out of the oven not just right. I'm smiling. I miss that. I think I have found her recipe. Actually, it's not exactly the recipe, but I think she used this one and added vanilla. They had to have vanilla!! So I added it!

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