Sunday, October 21, 2012

Just a few Fall Pics

We took the kids up North again.  We didn't have a plan.  We just knew our days were limited to do so.  North Georgia is so beautiful.  I love our state.

I love these kids.



I'm glad we took time out to do it again.

Love you kids so much.  Loved this beautiful, Fall North Georgia day.

Here's to a great week.  Enjoy it all!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fall Ball

Fall ball has been here for a while actually, and I haven't had time to share, but here it is.


Jesse is playing T-ball.  Her league is the most laid back league on the planet.  She doesn't really resemble a baseball player to me.  I feel like I should tell her to "Fill 'er up!"  Maybe it is all the blue, but it sure reminds me of a full-service gas station back home.  I miss those stations by the way.

She has Jonah's expressions.  She hits the T more than the ball.  She's the only girl on her team.  Heck, none of that slows this chick down.  She's rockin' it.

Gosh, that face kills me.  I love it.


"Hey buddy, my helmet may be pink, and my Mama doesn't have time to remove the Adidas sticker across the front, and I might even be wearing my old soccer socks, but you listen to me and you listen good.  My team is going to crush you.  Fear me.  I'm your worst nightmare."

"Ha ha!  That kid is scared to death.  Eat my dust bad boy."

"Rockin in my soccer socks...lalala."

"Do you all see me?"

"It's like nothing can slow me down."

"But, this red head, now I'll just sit here for a minute."

"Well, till I'm needed on the field."

"That was an awesome game coach, but you really need to work on your defense."

All these pictures were from her first game.

And I know the game medal is just a rotational thing, but...


she did scoop up a grounder and throw it to first like a pro.


And Grandmommy was there to see the whole thing.

And then we moved on to big boy here.  Just look at him.  Dang it.  Dang it.  Dang it.  Can I say that?

It hurts me through and through to see how tall and mature he is.  It's not just sports.  He's just as excited about rocks and minerals.  He loves his family.  Here he is with Aunt Kelly.  His smile alone defines the happiness in his heart.


That's it.  I can't handle anymore.  I love him more than words can say.

He's got a good heart.  I don't know what else a Mama could ask for.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pictures of Her

Here's a few pictures from late this afternoon.  Jonah and his Dad were playing baseball on a field just behind me.  Jesse was stuck with me and my big old camera.  She sighs through the first few clicks, then, she smiles when I get bit by a mosquito.

That's not very nice.


She looks so nice though.  I don't understand.


What is this?  Seriously?  Do you not know how badly I want a portrait of you my child?


And then she's back to the face I am used to.  You might see this as, "Sigh.  Please put your camera away woman."


I see the look she gives me when she can't have ice cream for dinner.

I see what's left of those big cheeks.

I see those sweet, baby blues.

I'm thankful to not see anything running from her nose.

I see what I'm going to long for in 10 years.

I see the child that was so excited about reading one Easter and one Valentine's story before bedtime tonight.

I see a child I love all the way to the moon..her moon.

I told her that tonight, and you know what she said?  She said, "I love you all the way to the Pumpkin Patch!"

I loved that.  We're back to October.   In her mind, the pumpkin patch is not very close, but it's just a 45 minute drive North.  Goodness, that's forever!

It's good to be back here.  Have a great week.